How To Get There

MRT Station Icon

Nearest MRT Station: ‘Bras Basah’ (CC2) – Circle Line

Exit from: ‘Exit B’

Time and Distance to SMU School of Accountancy: 3 mins walk (220m)

Nearest MRT Station: ‘Bras Basah’ (CC2) – Circle Line
Exit from: ‘Exit B’
Time and Distance to SMU School of Accountancy: 3 mins walk (220m)

Bras Basah MRT Exit Map

Bras Basah MRT Exit B

Walking Route from Exit B

MRT Station Icon

Alternative MRT Station: ‘Bencoolen’ (DT21) – Downtown Line

Exit from: ‘Exit C’

Time and Distance to SMU School of Accountancy: 4 mins walk (300m)

Alternative MRT Station: ‘Bencoolen’ (DT21) – Downtown Line
Exit from: ‘Exit C’
Time and Distance to SMU School of Accountancy: 4 mins walk (300m)

Bencoolen MRT Exit Map

Bencoolen MRT Exit C

Walking Route from Exit C

MRT Station Icon

Alternative MRT Station: ‘City Hall’ (EW13/NS25) – East West / North South line

Exit from: ‘Exit B’

Time and Distance to SMU School of Accountancy: 7 mins walk (500m)

Alternative MRT Station: ‘City Hall’ (EW13/NS25) – East West / North South line
Exit from: ‘Exit B’
Time and Distance to SMU School of Accountancy: 7 mins walk (500m)

City Hall MRT Exit Map

City Hall MRT Exit B

Walking Route from Exit B

Bus Icon

By Bus:
Nearest Bus Stop:
‘SMU’ (04121), right outside SMU School of Accountancy

Bus Numbers:
7, 14, 16, 16M, 36, 77, 106, 111, 124, 131, 147, 166, 167, 174, 175, 190, 857

By Bus:
Nearest Bus Stop: ‘SMU’ (04121), right outside SMU School of Accountancy
Bus Numbers: 7, 14, 16, 16M, 36, 77, 106, 111, 124, 131, 147, 166, 167, 174, 175, 190, 857

Bus Stop (04121)

Car Icon

By Car:
There are 3 car parks within SMU Campus. These are located at:

  1. SMU Administration Building
    81 Victoria Street, S188065
  2. Lee Kong Chian School of Business
    50 Stamford Road, S178899
    Carpark access via Stamford Road
  3. Yong Pung How School of Law
    55 Armenian Street, S179943
    Carpark access via Canning Rise

The parking rates below are the same for all 3 car parks.

Period HOURLY Charges
Time Car Motorcycle
(LKCSB only)
Monday - Friday Grace period of 10 minutes
0600 hr - 1059 hr
1100 hr - 1359 hr
1400 hr - 1759 hr
1800 hr - 2359 hr
0000 hr - 0559 hr
$2.70 per hour
$3.40 per hour
$2.70 per hour
$3.40 per entry
$3.40 per hr (per min. charge)
$1.70 per entry

$1.70 per hr (per min. charge)
Saturday / Sunday / Public Holiday Grace period of 10 minutes
0600 hr - 1759 hr
1800 hr - 2359 hr
0000 hr - 0559 hr
$2.70 per hour
$3.40 per entry
$3.40 per hr (per min. charge)
$1.70 per entry

$1.70 per hr (per min. charge)

Car park rates are based on per minute charge (inclusive of GST). SMU car park is closed between 2359 hrs and 0600hrs. Surcharge will be levied for vehicles found in the car park after 2359hrs.

  1. SMU Administration Building
    81 Victoria Street, S188065
  2. Lee Kong Chian School of Business
    50 Stamford Road, S178899
    Carpark access via Stamford Road
  3. Yong Pung How School of Law
    55 Armenian Street, S179943
    Carpark access via Canning Rise

The parking rates below are the same for all 3 car parks.

Period HOURLY Charges
Time Car Motorcycle
(LKCSB only)
Monday - Friday Grace period of 10 minutes
0600 hr - 1059 hr
1100 hr - 1359 hr
1400 hr - 1759 hr
1800 hr - 2359 hr
0000 hr - 0559 hr
$2.70 per hour
$3.40 per hour
$2.70 per hour
$3.40 per entry
$3.40 per hr (per min. charge)
$1.70 per entry

$1.70 per hr (per min. charge)
Saturday / Sunday / Public Holiday Grace period of 10 minutes
0600 hr - 1759 hr
1800 hr - 2359 hr
0000 hr - 0559 hr
$2.70 per hour
$3.40 per entry
$3.40 per hr (per min. charge)
$1.70 per entry

$1.70 per hr (per min. charge)

Car park rates are based on per minute charge (inclusive of GST). SMU car park is closed between 2359 hrs and 0600hrs. Surcharge will be levied for vehicles found in the car park after 2359hrs.